West Down Community Park


At the core of the West Down Village Fete on Sunday 25th August will be a 5km Fun Run around the village plus a shorter Kids Run for under 11s – open to everyone to get involved whether you’re a seasoned runner or just starting out and looking for a challenge.

Entry is £2.50 and all money raised will go towards keeping our wonderful Community Shop and West Down Community Park going for us all to continue to benefit from.

Want to run? Email John at registerWDFunRun@gmail.com with your name and age.

Run starts from the Fete Arena in the West Down Community Park.  Arrive by 9am to register on the day, ready to run at 10am!


West Down Village Fayre and Dog Show 2017

Many thanks to all helpers, sponsors, performers, stall holders and attendees of the Fayre and Dog Show held on Sunday 9th July 2017.  This successful and enjoyable day raised £1,785.60 towards the upkeep of the Community Field.


The Dog Show judge had an unenviable task in selecting winners of the various classes!  The dogs were all wonderful and very well behaved.  As were their handlers as, despite the number of dogs present, no unsavoury deposits were left behind!  Thanks to all  the responsible owners for picking up after their pets.

Dog Posters

Posters produced by West Down School children, reminding people of the need to pick up after their dogs, are now being displayed around the Community Field.  Their original ideas and works of art are well worth seeing and will hopefully help towards keeping the site clean and safe for all users.  We are grateful to the school and the children for undertaking this worthy project.

Allotment Plots Now Available

In West Down’s Community Field

Grow your own vegetables, fruit and flowers!

Exercise & Healthy Eating

Large plot – less than £1 per week

No previous experience necessary!

For info phone Keith Oades on 07979 188107


West Down Village Green Field Association (aka The Community Field) is managed by a team of elected Trustees/Management Committee members who meet monthly to oversee the running of the field. These volunteers, all of whom are dedicated to ensuring financial viability of the site, plan various fund-raising events to cover the on-going maintenance costs and to raise funds for specific projects.

Alongside the Management Committee there is a Members’ Association, comprising individuals who support this worthy project and have the right to vote on issues at AGMs and any other public meetings.  Any interested persons can join at a one-off membership contribution of £1.

For over 30 years residents of West Down had actively campaigned to overcome the shortfall of a recreational field within
West Down.  When a suitable field, Chapel Meadow, became available Fullabrook C.I.C. was approached, and after various discussions generously purchased and gifted this five-acre field to the residents of West Down in perpetuity.

March 2014
Mr Paul Ginnings, Chairman of the Fullabrook CIC, Mrs Susie Batstone, Director of the Fullabrook CIC and Mr John Stainer, Chairman of the West Down Village Green Field Association shake hands after the transfer of the field.

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